
Artificial intelligence systems and creators are in dire need of direct intervention by governments and human rights watchdogs. Surprisingly, it looks like the tech industry just isn’t that good at regulating itself.

In the 40-page report (PDF) published this week, the New York University-based organization (with Microsoft Research and Google-associated members) shows that AI-based tools have been deployed with little regard for potential ill effects or even documentation of good ones. While this would be one thing if it was happening in controlled trials here and there, instead these untested, undocumented AI systems are being put to work in places where they can deeply affect thousands or millions of people.

I won’t go into the examples here, but think border patrol, entire school districts and police departments, and so on. These systems are causing real harm, and not only are there no systems in place to stop them, but few to even track and quantify that harm.

To read the full article and see the report, please click on the source link below.

Source: TechCrunch

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