For those of you who happen to stumble across my blog…thanks for visiting! At the time of writing this, the site is very new and will be updated as regularly as possible. It will include great insights, links to good articles (not just the basic fluff that you see on other sites), industry trends, resources that you can actually use and whitepapers. Additionally, I will be adding reviews on cloud technologies out there on the market today..this is where YOU come in. There are so many solutions out there that I want to learn more about and I’d like to be up to date with what’s going on, however, it’s not possible for me to know everything, so in a manner of speaking, I’d really like your feedback and your thoughts.
I like to use it as a resource for myself and would like this site to be a resource for you.
Contact me if you are interested in adding a podcast of your thoughts on solutions that you have used or if you are a vendor, that would be great as well. Let this be a resource to learn more about what you have and how your solution solves challenges.