

Showcase is an area on The Cloud Analyst where I present a new product or service that I come across either in person, through a media outlet or other means.  It’s not necessarily a review; it’s more than that.  The idea is to give a brief overview, write a detailed explanation with appropriate links to resources and really educate the reader (you) on what these products and services are and what they do.  The initial part of this project is more or less a review, except for that extra mile that is put into it.  These include:

  • Podcasts
    • With Employees | Co-Founders | Customers
    • Case Studies
    • Use Cases
    • Other – This can include Competitive analysis | Costs | Live Q&A | Upcoming events | Roadmap Discussions
  • Videos
    • With Employees | Co-Founders | Customers
    • Demonstrations
    • How to’s
    • Live video at an event or PR launch
    • Pre-recorded or live Workshops
  • Demo Environment
    • Real demo environment for you to try out

How to get on here?  The companies showcased are those whom I network with, have had contact with in the past, have come across reading an article or word of mouth.  If you’d like me to showcase your company, please contact me in the contacts section and set up an appointment so we can get acquainted and help me learn about your business.

Do you want to advertise your services (ie. I am showcasing Amazon AWS and a consultant wants to put their banner on the showcase page) for certain products that I showcase?  I can offer that and it is limited to one advertisement per showcase because I hate bombarding people with ads.  It would be a banner or button somewhere on the page

If you’re thinking about using a product/service or are a current customer, please leave a comment and if you want to go that extra mile and have your say, lets talk, I want to know exactly what you want as a topic of discussion.  Tell me your thoughts, ask me questions and tell me about your challenges.  If I can’t answer something for you, I’ll do the talking for you and reach out to the vendor/service provider.


NOTE:  You probably view this as a resource only for the end-user (customer or potential client), however, this is much more than that.  It will also include the business aspects that cover barriers to entry, obstacles that they have overcome along the way, how they got started, what challenges do they see ahead, what does their roadmap look like (obviously very general [high level] as this kind of thing is proprietary) and of course, tips and real world learning experiences that they can pass onto you and your future business or idea that you want to get off the ground.