Before we get to the article, I wanted to mention that this particular blog post is a different one because it involves registering on the linked site, Normally, if it’s this complex and annoying, I really don’t bother, but this set of articles are good and worth it to read, so if you’re interested, I’ve listed the title with a text blurb on what it is about and you can click to see the original source article.
Banks and the Quantum Fit
Quantum computing promises the possibility of performing an infinite amount of computations almost instantaneously. But the technology is still in its early stages. Joy Macknight investigates how banks can cut through the hype to what is real.
Source: The Banker
Building the Intelligent Bank Part I – Source: The Banker
The Benefits of Banking Intelligence Part II – Source: The Banker
The Arrival of Artificial Intelligence Part III – Source: The Banker
Consumer to Corporate Expectations Part IV – Source: The Banker
Providing Technology for Treasurers Part V – Source: The Banker
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this article and videos and just an FYI, this is an SAP sponsored content thing for so it might be slightly bias, however the info provided is solid.