
Amazon Web Services, part of the Amazon umbrella is the service provider arm that handles on demand Infrastructure solutions for individuals, companies and governments, on a paid subscription basis.  The platform allows subscribers to have access to serverless infrastructure at a finite scale that is available all the time, throughout their number of datacenters.

“As of 2017, AWS owns a dominant 34% of all cloud (Iaas, Paas) while the next three competitors MicrosoftGoogle, and IBM have 11%, 8%, 6% respectively according to Synergy Group.” [1][2]

  1. https://awsinsider.net/articles/2017/08/01/aws-market-share-3x-azure.aspx?m=1
  2. http://uk.businessinsider.com/amazon-web-services-is-battling-microsoft-azure-and-google-cloud-2017-10?r=US&IR=T

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